Psychotherapy and Wellness Programs

Welcome to Hummingbird Healing Connections: Psychotherapy and Wellness Programs (HHC). I offer psychodynamic psychotherapy and wellness programs where you can find a safe place to build healing connections with yourself, people in your life, and the natural world around you. I serve persons seeking support for anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, exploring sexual and gender identity, navigating life as LGBTQIA+, mixed orientation marriages, existential or spiritual distress, coping with life-altering diagnosis, major life transitions and life as a “third culture individual.” I partner with you on your goals to help you find healing, wholeness and what you need to be able to thrive as a person.  

Individual Psychotherapy

I provide one to one psychotherapy sessions through an online video office. This platform allows you to access therapy from a place that you find comfortable and convenient. In our sessions I will provide supportive nonjudgmental listening and work with you to develop a plan that addresses your goals for therapy. I will invite you to share your thoughts and feelings at a pace that feels safe to you.


Grief Programs

The loss of a loved one, health, relationship, pet, homeland or financial loss can be devastating and negatively impact our emotional and physical well-being. After the initial shock wears off we can often find ourselves feeling alone as we try to navigate these painful life experiences, when those around us have moved on. Grief is a normal response to losses but too often our society sees it as a problem to be fixed with medication or busyness and fails to recognize how long it takes to find healing. In order to heal we need to move towards the pain of our grief in a supportive and safe environment, a place where we can talk about our unique experience of our grief and learn about our grief so as to find ways to cope with the losses we’re experiencing. I provide individual and group grief support.


Forest Therapy

Forest Therapy is a research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments.” You can think of it as an embodied mindfulness meditation practice led by a guide. As a Forest therapy guide I will lead you on a walk in nature where we will engage in a sequence of invitations for connection with the more than human world (nature) in ways that have been demonstrated to provide health benefits such as lowered anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure and building our immune system. Participants also learn to partner with nature and develop an awareness of living in the present moment. Forest therapy is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin yoku, also known as Forest Bathing. The term “bathing” is used because we literally bathe in the phytoncides (essential oils) of trees when we spend time among them.

Listen to my Radio Interview with Dan MacDonald